WordPress options

There are several block options available for you to use.


This option will provides a simple image select, using the WordPress medialibrary.

Image::make('Label', 'option_name');

By default, this option will return the selected image URL, but if you instead want it to return the id, you can use the storeAsId method.

Image::make('Label', 'option_name')

The option accepts a third config parameter, through which you can modify text labels, but also allows you to change the wp.media configuration. The default is seen below.

Image::make('Label', 'option_name', [
    'button' => 'Upload or select',
    'remove' => 'Remove',
    'replace' => 'Replace',
    'media' => [
        'title' => 'Select or upload media',
        'button' => [
            'text' => 'Use this media'
        'library' => [
            'type' => 'image'
        'multiple' => false

In your block, you might have to add the following to the beforeEditorRender function:

public function beforeEditorRender()


This option will provide you with a rich text editor, using WordPress wp.editor which is a customized version of TinyMCE.

RichText::make('Label', 'option_name');

In your block make sure to add the following to the beforeEditorRender function:

public function beforeEditorRender()

The third optional parameter, allows you to customize the config of the editor. This extensive example will add, for example, inline colors and allow image insertion:

RichText::make('Label', 'option_name', [
    'quicktags' => true,
    'mediaButtons' => true,
    'tinymce' => [
        'plugins' => 'lists,link,wordpress,wpautoresize,wpeditimage,wpgallery,wplink,wptextpattern,wpview,media,media,colorpicker,textcolor',
        'toolbar1' => 'bold italic bullist alignleft aligncenter alignright link wp_adv',
        'toolbar2' => 'formatselect,numlist,forecolor,unlink,strikethrough,hr,underline,alignjustify,wp_help,removeformat,charmap,outdent,indent,undo,redo',
        'textcolor_map' => [
            '000000', 'Black',
            'ffffff', 'White',
            'ff0000', 'Red',
            '00ff00', 'Green',
            '0000ff', 'Blue'


This option will provide you with the WordPress color picker.

Colorpicker::make('Label', 'option_name');

You may pass a pre defined palette like so:

Colorpicker::make('Color', 'color', ['#dc2626', '#ffffff', '#0ea5e9']),

In your block make sure to add the following to the beforeEditorRender function:

public function beforeEditorRender()