Block options

Basic example

Every block has a options function, which ultimately, just needs to return a string of HTML. You use Alpine's model binding to bind the option values, with the data in your block.

class Example extends Block
    public string $name = 'Example';

    public static string $reference = 'your_prefix.example';

    public array $data = [
        'title' => 'A default title'

    function options()
        return <<<HTML
            <div class="paver__option">
                <input type="text" x-model="title">

Available options

Though you're free to write your options yourself, some pre made options have been made available for you.


Input::make('Label', 'option_name');


Textarea::make('Label', 'option_name');


Select::make('Label', 'option_name', [
    '' => 'Empty option',
    'value_1' => 'Label 1',
    'value_2' => 'Label 2'

Returning options

You can simply return a string of HTML, or an array if that feels more structured to you. The array values should still be strings of HTML.

function options()
    $html = '';
    $html .= Input::make('Title', 'title');
    $html .= Textarea::make('Content', 'content');
    return $html;
function options()
    return [
        Input::make('Title', 'title'),
        Textarea::make('Content', 'content'),
        // 'this simple string would be rendered too'